

3월 11, 2019 - 3월 17, 2019


title 1 : Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11ac and IEEE 802.11ax in Industrial Ad Hoc Network (KICS Winter Conference 2019)

title 2 : Enhanced Faulty Node Detection Scheme in Distributed Network System Using Increased-Bits BCH Code (Journal)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

title 1:

title 2:
- added system model
- added reference

This Week Todo's

- adding simulation result

Project Progress

Measurement of Natural frequency of the building.

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Fixed the project goal.
- Made the Schedule for the project completion.
-Study paper on increase data accuracy of sen-soring devices.
- Complete formalities for health Insurance, Orientation and Alien-card.

This Week's Project

- Perform one group presentation.
- Discuss about the facts of individual topics.
- Finalize the sensoring devices for the project.
-Select a topic for paper writing from the project work.

Monthly Goals

- Take initiatives for writing two journal paper.
- Complete Jeju Conference paper.
- learn Simulation Software.

Annual Goals

- At-least two journal paper.
-At-least one International Conference