

3월 18, 2019 - 3월 24, 2019


Paper 1: "Cooperative Localization in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network Using Nature-Inspired Algorithm"

Paper 2: "Wireless Localization Using Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm"

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

1. Read a journal article titled "Industry 4.1 for Wheel Machining Automation" (journal title: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters; authors: F. Cheng, H. Tieng, H. Yang, M. Hung, Y. Lin, C. Wei, and Z. Shieh; vol: 1; no: 1; page: 332-339; publication date: 2016/01; publisher: IEEE) for Paper 1.

2. Read a journal article titled "A Real-Time Monitoring System of Industry Carbon Monoxide Based on Wireless Sensor Networks" (journal title: Sensors; authors: J. Yang, J. Zhou, Z. Lv, W. Wei, and H. Song; vol: 15; no: 11; page: 29535–29546; publication date: 2015/11; publisher: MDPI) for Paper 1.

3. Read a journal article titled "A WSN for Monitoring and Event Reporting in Underground Mine Environments" (journal title: IEEE Systems Journal; authors: U. I. Minhas, I. H. Naqvi, S. Qaisar, K. Ali, S. Shahid, and M. A. Aslam; vol: 12; no: 1; page: 485–496; publication date: 2018/03; publisher: IEEE) for Paper 1.

4. Read a journal article titled "Improving Traceability and Transparency of Table Grapes Cold Chain Logistics by Integrating WSN and Correlation Analysis" (journal title: Food Control; authors: X. Xiao, Q. He, Z. Li, A. O. Antoce, and X. Zhang; vol: 73; page: 1556–1563; publication date: 2017/03; publisher: Elsevier) for Paper 1.

5. Design and run some simulation for Paper 1.

6. Write Problem Formulation for Paper 1.

This Week Todo's

1. Run some more simulation for Paper 1.

2. Write Introduction, Results & Analysis, and Conclusion for Paper 1.

3. Run simulation for Paper 2.

Project Progress

FANET with Drone for Capstone Design 1 Class

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Discuss several ideas to be proposed for the project

2. Read some references related to the project

3. Create introduction PPT.

This Week's Project

1. Present team's idea.

2. Present my introduction/

3. Discuss the preparations for the project.

Monthly Goals

Submit 1 paper to a conference

Annual Goals

1. Submit 2 papers to conferences

2. Submit 2 papers to journals