Rubina Akter
Title-1: A survey: Industrial Internet of Things Background, Challenges and Direction [Target Jeju Conference]
Title-2: Real-time performance based on security issue of IoT network.[Target: IEEE Transaction Journal]
Title-1: 40% modification done and format the paper using latex template.
Title-2: Search and read paper regarding security issue of real time performance. One paper is selected for paper presentation.
Title-1: Review the paper again and format the paper using latex template.
Title-2: Prepare the project presentation.
- Select a specific title based on the presentation and do research on that.
- Start to Learn regarding simulation software.
[1]DDS book
[1]DDS book
- write about current issues and update it to server
- find some more current issues about Smart-Grid and arrange it
[1]DDS book
- write about current issues and update it to server
- find some more current issues about Smart-Grid and arrange it
[1] write a paper with a new topic
[2] study at least 15 papers
[1] write a SCI paper
[2] participate international conference