

3월 19, 2019 - 3월 25, 2019


Ade Pitra Hermawan

Title 1: A Survey of Deep Learning in Wireless Network Congestion Control and Scheduling

55% Progress
Last Week's Progress

- Install supporting softwares for research
- Working on paper seminar An Intelligent Traffic Load Prediction-Based Adaptive Channel Assignment algorithm in SDN-IoT: A Deep Learning Approach

Title 1:
- Find any drawbacks from the references
- Revise the application and conclusion sections

This Week Todo's

- Review Machine Learning & Deep Learning (join online course)
- Learn on how to use Tensorflow
- Read more than 5 of journals related to DL application in realtime system

Title 1:
- Review the journals that used in the survey
- Fine tune the format

Project Progress

Smart Farm & MERCI integration

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project


Monthly Goals

- Able to use supporting tools for simulating the algorithm (Matlab, NS3, Tensorflow)

Annual Goals

- Paper Accepted in domestic conference
- Paper Accepted in international conference
- Submit at least one journal