

March 19, 2019 - March 25, 2019


Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1:
Internet of Things for Smart Railway: Feasibility and Application for Maintenance.

Title 2:
Multi-hop Single-Relay Selection (MSRS) for Multi Cluster Head Environment.

Title 3:
Visible Light Communication (VLC) Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Hybrid Network for Indoor Device Connectivity.

Title 4:
Low latency Traffic-aware field-based routing for Industrial wireless sensor networks (WSN).

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 4
1) Started paper on "Low latency Traffic-aware field-based routing for Industrial wireless sensor networks (WSN)". Motivated by Do Duy Tan's paper on "GRATA: gradient-based traffic-aware routing
for wireless sensor networks".
2) Made title.
3) Developed the abstract.
4) Made Introduction.
5) Derived the mathematical equations for the system model.
6) Developed the algorithms to determine the size of each cluster and packet forwarding path to sink.
7) Designed diagrams to explain the system model.
8) Added 5 references.

This Week Todo's

Title 4
1) complete the system model.
2) Compare other works on gradient routing and industrial network routing protocols.
3) Start simulation works.

Project Progress

Waiting for Project

0% Progress
Last Week's Project


This Week's Project


Monthly Goals

1) make 4 page paper of #4 and submit as WFCS work in progress paper.
2) make an 8 paper journal version.

Annual Goals

1) Publish at least a conference and a journal paper.
2) Add machine learning programming skill to my resume.