

3월 26, 2019 - 4월 1, 2019


Title 1: Hybrid MAC Protocol for UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks.
Target: IOT Journal Elsevier.

Title 2: Reliable Fog Computing for Industrial Internet of Things: Key Challenges and Solutions.
Target: IETE Technical Review.

Title 3: Bio-inspired Adaptive Fog Service Provisioning for Industrial Internet of Things
Target: WFCS 2019
Collaborated with: Philip

Title 4: Fog-based Intelligent Transportation System for Traffic Light Optimization
Target: WFCS 2019
Collaborated with: Riesa

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
Submitted to the journal.

Title 2:
Submitted to the journal.

Title 3:
Finalized the introduction part.
Finalized the section of wild goat algorithm.
Wrote the simulation code.

Title 4:
Read several related works of this topic.
Created a figure.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
Wait for the decision.

Title 2:
Wait for the decision.

Title 3:
Continue to write the simulation code.
Perform the simulation code.
Write the performance evaluation section.

Title 4:
Continue to write the system model sections.
Write the introduction.

Project Progress

Smart farm

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

Smart farm.
Wrote section II which is the existing solution of IoT-based to realize smart farm.

Added important dates of Globecom 2019.

This Week's Project

_ Read more papers related to fog computing topics.
_ Learn the basic things of fog computing.
_ Learn software and tools related to fog computing research.

Add important dates of MobiCom 2019.

Monthly Goals

_ Read more papers related to fog computing topics.
_ Learn the basic things of fog computing.
_ Learn software and tools related to fog computing research.

Annual Goals

_ 2 international SCI journal.
_ 2 international conferences.