

4월 1, 2019 - 4월 7, 2019


Title 1 :
Enhanced Image Processing and Transmission using SWIPT Technique for Military Network Systems ( Target Journal: IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Network)

Title 2: Scalability in Image processing for Military Network Systems: A survey
target: IEEE trans on Image Processing (Proposed)

Title 3: Real-Time System validation Scheme using Blockchain Technology for Industrial IoT Devices
(Target Conference: KICS 2019 Conference, Jeju Island)

Title 4: SWIPT-Enabled Relaying applications to Military Internet of Things: comprehensive survey of state of the art ( Target Conference: IEEE ANTS 2019, 16-19, December 2019)

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1 :
1. Paper was put in correct IEEE journal format in latex
2. Complete rework of abstract
3. More literature was surveyed, and the entire content upgraded to reflect findings of survey
5. References increased from 19 to 25

Title 2: Scalability in Image processing for Military Network Systems: A survey
1. Survey of more papers continued

Title 3: Real-Time System validation Scheme using Blockchain Technology for Industrial IoT Devices
1. Abstract first draft completed and uploaded on the NSL portal
2. Full survey of about 25 articles completed
3. Full paper write up and Latex formatting commenced

Title 4: SWIPT-Enabled Relaying applications to Military Internet of Things: comprehensive survey of state of the art
1. Target Conference: IEEE ANTS 2019, 16-19, December 2019
2. Survey of about 30 articles ongoing

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
1. Continue with survey and rework on laTeX
2. Keep learning to establish the best case scenario for Simulation works.

Title 2:
1. survey work continues with a target of completing the first draft of abstract

Title 3:
1. Complete full paper for first submission and review

Title 4:
1. Get familiar with all the conference requirement
2. Complete full review of all articles and commence write up

Project Progress

Paper Review and Self Development

55% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Attended Microsoft Webinar on Industrial IoT ( march 28, 2019)
2. Nominated to assist in training of fellow new comers on NSL seminar presentation
3. Seminar presentation on the Real-Time issues in Boeing 737 Max8 crash
4. Reviewed paper '~An Energy Efficient Data Gathering for Industrial Automation using WSNs and IoT' with Saviour.

This Week's Project

1. Conclude and submit paper review report

Monthly Goals

1. Submit Conference paper for 2019 KICS summer
2. Submit Article for IEEE trans on Image process
3.Advance the stage of IEEE ANTS conference

Annual Goals

1. Attend KICS 2019 Conference
2. Attend IEEE ANTS conference
3. Get published in at least one Journal ( IEEE trans on mage processing and/or IEEE Trans on signal and information processing over the network)