Title 1: Real-Time System Validation Scheme using Blockchain Technology for IIoT devices
Target: 2019 KICS Summer Conference, June 2019, Jeju
Title 2: Enhanced Image Processing and Transmission using SWIPT Techniques for Miliatry Network Systems
Target: IEEE Trans on Signal and Information Processing over Network
Title 3: Scalability in Image Processing for Military Networks: A survey
Target : IEEE Trans on Image Processing
Title 4: SWIPT-Enabled Relaying applications to Military IoT: Comprehensive Survey of the state-of-the-art
Target: IEEE ANTS 2019, December 16-19 2019
Title 1:
1. Abstract first draft completed and uploaded on NSL portal
2. Full paper commenced
Title 2:
1. Abstract full rework
2. More review of literature
3. Full migration to the correct IEEE format on laTEx
Title 3:
1. Got familiar with the journal requirements
Title 4:
1. Settled for a target conference
2. Began the process of understanding the requirements of the editors
Title 1:
1. Abstract first draft completed and uploaded on NSL portal
2. Full paper to be completed
Title 2:
1. Continous improvement of the paper to meet the journal requirement
2. More review of literature
Title 3:
1. To conclude paper review and
2. To fine tune first draft abstract
Title 4:
1. To conclude paper reviews
2. Began the process of writing the paper for the conference
Paper Review and Self Development
1. Title : ~An Energy Efficient Data Gathering for Industrial Automation using WSNs and IoT
Reviewed paper with Saviour
2. Microsoft IoT Webinar
attended the Webinar on IoT for manufacturing
1. To conclude the review and submit review report
2. To submit Webinar report to Prof and wait for other instructions.
1. Submit Conference paper for KICS 2019
2. submit Conference paper for IEEE ANTS 2019
1. Attend IEEE ANTS 2019
2.Attend KICS 2019
3. Publish at least one International Journal paper