

4월 2, 2019 - 4월 9, 2019


Name: Esmot Ara Tuli

Title 01: Latency based reliability analysis using URLLC in Industrial IoT.

Title 02: Seminar Presentation "A Hybrid Computing Solution and Resource Scheduling Strategy for Edge Computing in Smart Manufacturing".

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

* Complete survey paper

*Preparing Presentation
*Find out topic for the new paper
* Start writing new paper

This Week Todo's

Title 01: change survey paper title, abstraction and others parts.

Title 02: Prepare presentation slide, gather information and analysis the topic.

Project Progress

Website Maintenance and Capstone Design Project

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

Task 01: NSL website webmail Login Section problem solve.

Task 02: Collecting Data on detecting natural frequency, data accuracy in wireless, improve energy efficiency and machine learning technology for sensing data

This Week's Project

Task 1: Assist mentor in NSL website visitor tracking problem.

Task 2: Simulate and collect result
Collect Data and finding method to remove noise from signal.

Monthly Goals

01: Complete KICS conference paper

02: Complete Seminar Presentation

03: Start writing New Paper

Annual Goals

01: Publish one ACM journal paper

02: Two International Conference