

1월 18, 2014 - 1월 25, 2014


Periodic Load Balancing Approach for Industrial IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Finished abstract, system model and load balancing algorithm part
Studied on Spectrum handoff for cognitive radio networks

This Week Todo's

Add information into Intruduction and Relalted works part so they are almost done
Learn OPNET modeler
Find a novel idea on spectrum handoff

Project Progress

Bezier curve by UA communication

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Finished c++/opencv version of all steps of Bezier curve in destination an dreceiver part
Creating GUI including "image upload button", and progress buttun

This Week's Project

Finish GUI
Lear UDP socet programming to implement data transffer between two computers.

Monthly Goals

Finish project
finish paper except simulation part

Annual Goals

submit paper to WFCS (paper in process)