Title 1:
Traffic Light Scheduling Scheme for Real-time VANET in the Road Intersection (KICS Summer)
Title 2:
Enhanced Faulty Node Detection using Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed System (IEEE Communication Magazine)
Title 3:
Load Balancing of traffic light-based fog node (ETFA)
Title 1:
Added road intersection illustration.
Added the background of this paper.
Added one reference related with the real-time VANET for traffic light scheduling scheme.
Title 2:
Revise the system model.
Correct contains of this paper regarding the system model.
Check and correct more typo and harmony of this paper.
Title 3:
Understanding the related paper of load balancing of fog computing.
Title 1:
Make a system model, flowchart, or block diagram.
set up for the simulation tools.
Title 2:
Check and revised the result of plagiarism to reduce the plagiarism.
Title 3:
Add the illustration of load balancing in fog computing and more understand with load balancing.
Project 1: Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military, Project 2: Xeline Control Protocol, Project 3: Website management
Project 1:
Make a routing protocol comparison.
Project 2:
Try to understand binding process, how to sending or receiving message through XCP protocol, then summarize it.
Project 3:
Try to add, remove, replace menu in NSL website using website management (admin)
Try to add, remove, replace NSL member in people menu.
project 1:
Fixing the system model then determine the job desk and time schedule
project 2:
find the specific condition for using XCP protocol and how to route the XCP protocol.
project 3:
Try to use MobaXterm.
Learn java platform and other related tools for fog computing.
-Able to write at least one in domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in international conference and journal