

4월 9, 2019 - 4월 15, 2019


Ade Pitra Hermawan

Title 1: Deep Learning-based Network Congestion Control and Scheduling Technique

Title 2: Automatic Modulation Classification using Deep Learning

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Revise the application and conclusion sections
- Add supporting references for content
- Change the tittle
- Add 2 NSL paper as a references
- Change the graph

Title 2:
- working on simulation (Tensorflow, matlab)
- make a system models
- Revise the affiliation

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Fine-tune the abstract
- Fine-tune the Introduction
- Find and revise proper words and sentences

Title 2:
- working on simulation
- Enrich the introduction and system model section

Project Progress

Smart Farm & MERCI integration

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Success running the existing codes
- Success to add one page for this project in apps
- 80 done design in and create the UI

This Week's Project

- Finalize the UI and apps

Monthly Goals

Able to use supporting tools to do simulation (Matlab, NS3, Tensorflow)

Annual Goals

- Paper Accepted in domestic conference
- Paper Accepted in international conference
- Submit at least one journal