

4월 15, 2019 - 4월 21, 2019


Title 1: Real-Time System Validation Scheme using Blockchain Technology for IIoT devices
Target: 2019 KICS Summer Conference, June 2019, Jeju

Title 2: Enhanced Image Processing and Transmission using SWIPT Techniques for Miliatry Network Systems
Target: IEEE Trans on Signal and Information Processing over Network

Title 3: Scalability in Image Processing for Military Networks: A survey
Target : IEEE Trans on Image Processing

Title 4: SWIPT-Enabled Relaying applications to Military IoT: Comprehensive Survey of the state-of-the-art
Target: IEEE ANTS 2019, December 16-19 2019

50% Progress
Last Week's Progress

itle 1:

1. Full paper completed to be submitted if approved by NSL.

Title 2:
1. Paper now in format acceptable to target journal b
2. narrowed down to MATLAB Signal processing tool box

Title 3:
1. To conclude paper review and

Title 4:
1. To conclude paper reviews

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

1. To Respond to review report.

Title 2:
1. To Complete System model and Algorithm
2. More review of other works for research path and clear gap

Title 3:
1. To conclude paper review and
2. To fine tune first draft abstract

Title 4:
1. To conclude paper reviews
2. Began the process of writing the paper for the conference

Project Progress

Paper Review and Self Development

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Reviewed paper on 'Latency Based Reliability Analysis for URLLC in Industrial IoT.'

2.Submitted report on Microsoft IoT Webinar :

This Week's Project

1. Respond to any project assignment as may be given by the NSL

Monthly Goals

1. Submit Conference paper for KICS 2019
2. Submit Conference paper for IEEE ANTS 2019
3. Complete to proficient level training on MATLAB and C++
4. Complete Title 1 for Journal submission

Annual Goals

1.Attend IEEE ANTS 2019
2.Attend KICS 2019
3.Publish at least two International Journal papers