

4월 15, 2019 - 4월 21, 2019


Tittle 1:
Enhanced-throughput under FD with SI Suppression Approach in 5G CRNs
Target journal: Computer networks journal
Tittle 2:
Spectrum Sharing Technique Based on Network Infrastructure Management
Target journal: IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing (SPC)
Tittle 3:
Real-time localizing unknown interference in wireless sensor network : A deep reinforcement learning approach
Target conference: KICS
Tittle 4:
Real-time Spectrum Sensing for higher spectral throughput in 5G wireless Network
Target journal: Computer standards and interface

60% Progress
Last Week's Progress

-Fixing some points (Williams) before submission
Title 2:
-Accepted from IEIE SPC
Tittle 3:
- Problem formulation
Title 4:
- mathematical model

This Week Todo's

-Submit to the indicated journal
Title 2:
-Waiting for the correction service version from IEIE SPC
Tittle 3:
- Problem formulation
Title 4:
- Mathematical model

Project Progress

NSL website management

80% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Update of Project
-Check the update of Project from NSL website

This Week's Project

-Update of Project
-Check the update of Project from NSL website

Monthly Goals

-Learn omnet++ tools, python and mastering of technical writing
-Write finalize a paper to submit to the international journal

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one international SCI Journal
-Able to write at least one international conference
-Able to write at least one domestic conference