Title 1:
Real-time Performance-optimization Algorithm for smart IIoT:
IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Pr).
Title 2:
Link-Flow Enhancement Routing Protocol for IIoT:
ETFA Conference (Pr).
Title 3:
Power Imbalance Clustering Scheme for Efficient Load Distribution in IIoT:
KICS Conference, Jeju.
Title 1:
- Proof read content for readability issues
- Added more information to enhance explanation of system model
- Added more references from NSL lab publications.
- Worked on simulations to achieve desired outcome.
Title 2:
- Drafted system model
- Began write-up of abstract
Title 3:
- Researched on different of algorithms suitable for implementation.
Title 1:
- Edit and complete simulation works.
- Proof read to enhance readability.
Title 2:
- Write up content of system model and introduction
- Begin simulation works
Title 3:
- Start write up of paper
XCP Protocol
- Presented sample GUI assigned as task
- Established communication link between transmitter and receiver using mqtt assigned as task.
- Assigned new task to implement different dimming intensities of an LED using python.
- Redesign GUI for dimming LED.
- Program LED's to perform dimming function
- Present information and discuss with team
- Set project target for next week.
- Run more experiments with raspberry pi
- Finish my journal paperwork
- Experiment XCP project with raspberry pi 3
- Finish etfa conference paper
- Begin 1 jeju conference paper
- Publish 2 communication letters
- Publish 1 Journal paper
- Publish 2 international conference papers