Paper research Rubina Akter
Title 01: Artificial Intelligence Based Scheme Using Blockchain Technology for Industrial Internet of Things
Target: KICS Summer Conference.
Title 02: Low latency: Edge computing.
Target : IEEE Access Journal
Title 03: LaSeR: Lightweight Authentication and Secured Routing for NDN IoT in smart cities.
Title 04: Review paper on Edge Computing [Long Survey]
Target : IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Title 01:
- Revise whole paper and polish every section.
Title 02:
- Study paper. but topic has not fixed yet.
Title 03:
-Which topic That I want to work relevant resource is not available. So tring to contact with authors .
Title 04:
- I read 2 survey paper and fixed my plan to work and write Abstract.
Title 01:
- modify as per NSL recommendation.
Title 02:
- Fixed topic and write abstract and Introduction and do simulation.
Title 03:
-Study the technique or algorithm.
Title 04:
- Write Introduction and related work.
Measurement of Natural frequency of the building
-Prepared group presentation.
- Work with the IoT device and Soki device
- Have some problem of data collection. So replace another IoT device
Fix the problem of Soki device
- Learn simulation software.
-complete paper for KICS Summer conference.[Target Complete]
- Complete one paper writing to submit in journal.
At-least two journal paper.
-At-least one International Conference.