

4월 22, 2019 - 4월 28, 2019


Title 1:
Optimization of Yellow Light Timing for Traffic Light Scheduling Scheme (KICS Summer)

Title 2:
Enhanced Faulty Node Detection using Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed System (IEEE Communication Magazine)

Title 3:
Load Balancing of traffic light-based fog node (ETFA)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
Trying the simulation of proposed scheme.
Add one reference.

Title 2:
Check and correct figures, reliability, introduction.
Convert the latex file to word file.
Correct the paper according to the target journal rules (IEEE communication magazine policies)

Title 3:
Understanding the related paper of load balancing of fog computing and load balancing for managing the vehicle in the road.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
Still trying the simulation of proposed system using the previous work.
Finishing this paper with adding the abstract, simulation, conclusion, and review it again.

Title 2:
Check and correct the paper.

Title 3:
Add the illustration of load balancing in fog computing and more understand with load balancing.

Project Progress

Project 1: Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military, Project 2: Xeline Control Protocol

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

project 1:
Modify OLSR routing protocol code using 1 node base station, 2 nodes UAV, and 2 nodes ground station.
Try to obtain one figure (end to end delay between node) based on the system configuration.

project 2:
find the specific condition for using XCP protocol and how to route the XCP protocol.
Make a summary about network variable specification, the way of binding nodes.

This Week's Project

project 1:
Still modifying the OLSR routing protocol.
Read the paper about the UAV for wireless communication.

project 2:
Try to analyze the XCP network builder that related to the management tools in XCP protocol.

Monthly Goals

Learn java platform and other related tools for fog computing.

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in international conference and journal