

4월 29, 2019 - 5월 5, 2019


Paper research Rubina Akter

Title 01: Artificial Intelligence Based Scheme Using Blockchain Technology for Industrial Internet of Things
Target: KICS Summer Conference.

Title 02: Low latency: Edge computing.
Target : IEEE Access Journal

Title 03: LaSeR: Lightweight Authentication and Secured Routing for NDN IoT in smart cities.

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
- Working as per as review comments. Create proposed system model.
- To generate the idea, have studied three journal paper.

Title 03:

-Study two journal paper to understand lightweight authentication algorithm.
-Practice MathLab simulation software

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
- Complete the paper as instruction.

Title 03:

-Generate the proposed model and write related work section.
- Rewrite the Abstract and introduction section.

Project Progress

Measurement of Natural frequency of the building

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Prepared group presentation.

- Work with the IoT device and Soki device

This Week's Project

- Observe the collected data characteristics.

Monthly Goals

Learn simulation software.

-complete paper for KICS Summer conference.[Target Complete]

- Complete one paper writing to submit in journal.

Annual Goals

At-least two journal paper.

-At-least one International Conference.