

4월 29, 2019 - 5월 5, 2019


Paper 1: "Cooperative Localization in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network Using Nature-Inspired Algorithm".

Paper 2: "DA-APSO: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Localization in Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 3: "Mobile Node Localization Using PSO with Exploitation of the Worst Particle".

Paper 4: "IoT-based Adaptive Network Mechanism for Reliable Smart Farm System".


30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1
1. The paper is under review. The review comment will be available on April 30, 2019.

Paper 2
1. The simulation results of the Scenario 1 presented in Fig. 4, 5, and 6 were updated with additional algorithms (PSO, APSO, QPSO, PSO-GSA, DA, CS, CSO, and ABC) to be compared with the proposed algorithm (DA-APSO).
2. Scenario 2 was simulated again, which result will replace Fig. 7 (previously generated by Microsoft Excel).
3. I updated the content of Subsection 4.2 to better explain the Fig. 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Paper 3
1. I updated the Introduction Section to cover Reference [1] and [2] and give examples of bio-inspired algorithm application on other problems, as per discussion with Prof. Kim.
2. I updated the Acknowledgment Section as per Prof. Kim and Williams instruction.
3. I recheck and revise the paper for grammatical errors, typos, and plagiarism possibilities.

Paper 4
1. Waiting for the checking by Rusyadi and Prof. Lee


This Week Todo's

Paper 1
1. The paper is under review. The review comment will be available on April 30, 2019.
2. When the review comment is available, a revision will be started immediately and finished within 2 weeks.

Paper 2
1. The final check for the paper and discussion with Prof. Kim will be performed before submission.
2. Submit the paper.

Paper 3
1. The final check for the paper and discussion with Prof. Kim will be performed before submission.
2. Submit the paper.

Paper 4
1. Revise the Ch. 2 as per review by Rusyadi and Prof. Lee.


Project Progress

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

1. Submit Paper 3 for KICS Summer Conf. 2019.

2. Submit Paper 2 in Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (Elsevier).


Annual Goals

1. Submit 2 conference papers.

2. Submit 2 journal papers.
