

4월 29, 2019 - 5월 5, 2019


Alifia Putri Anantha

Title 1:
AI for Reducing Faulty Node Detection Delay in Industrial Internet of Things
KICS Summer 2019

Title 2:
Faulty Node Detection using PSO and NBC for Wireless Sensor Networks

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
- Changed the title
- Proposed a system model
- Done the paper

Title 2:
- Read more references
- Fixed the system model
- Learned the source-codes
- Simulated PSO algorithm

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
- Revise the paper until it is final

Title 2:
- Continue to learn the source-codes
- Simulate NBC algorithm

Project Progress

MERCI for Wild Animal (Capstone Design 1 Class Project)

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Learned MongoDB architecture

This Week's Project

- Figure out how to connect the database to the MERCI app

Monthly Goals

- Get used to using MATLAB
- Done the paper for KICS Summer 2019

Annual Goals

- Able to write at least one paper for domestic conference
- Able to write at least one paper for international conference
- Able to write at least one journal