

4월 30, 2019 - 5월 6, 2019


Title 1
Proof-of-Authentication & Assignment Consensus Algorithm in Blockchain of Things (BoT) (Probably changed)

Title 2
Realtime-based Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) Using Dual Fieldbus for IIoT
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Title 3
None Difficulty Proof-of-Work Algorithm for Blockchain in Industrial IoT.
KICS Summer

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
- Continue working on the codes implementation.

Title 2
- Recheck readability issues.
- Submit to correction service.

Title 3
- Continue the implementation.
- Add related work into the paper.
- Add one figure how the block chained in the network into the paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 1
- Continue working on the codes implementation.

Title 2
- wait for the correction service.

Title 3
- Finish the code implementation using Golang and Geth.
- Finish the system design part in the paper.
- Finish the simulation and experimental result in the paper.
- Add new 3 figures, one table, one flow diagram, and one result graph.
- Add new 5 references.

Project Progress

MMS for Industrial IoT, MERCI for Animal (Capstone Design Class), and International Conference Section

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

MMS ( IoT Library Development )
- Continue learn about cython.
- Make a simple library from windows and convert to .so or .a, then use Cython to convert it agaon so it can be used for python language.
- Continue making a new button in windows site, to get read variable access from client (python in raspberry pi).

- Some components are arrived, still wait for the rest.
- Still get error when calling the camera class for computer vision and deep learning part.
- Learn about the combination of MobileNet and SSD as the image detection and deep learning.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

This Week's Project

MMS ( IoT Library Development )
- Done making a new button in windows site, to get read variable access from client (python in raspberry pi).
- Continue making a new button in windows site, to make write variable access to client (python in raspberry pi).
- Trying to call windows library (.lib or .dll) in python language in raspberry pi using CTYPES and python extension module in Visual Studio.

- The MobileNet and SSD as the image detection and deep learning successfully implemented using NoIR raspberry pi camera module and can classify some objects like person, dog, cat, etc.
- PIR motion sensor also successfully implemented.
- Combining two detection sensors for detecting something (ex: person), then turn on LED as a simple actuators.
- After the real actuators part is done, combining both of detectors and actuators.
- Add new trained data of others wild animal.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

Monthly Goals

Make Blockchain architecture in Industrial IoT platform.
- Learn how to scale public Blockchain Ethereum.
- Can apply other Proof-of-Authentication & Assignment algorithms beside PoW to find a faster algorithm for IoT (modified to find a best and suitable one).
- Finish implements an enhancement of PoW algorithm named None Difficulty PoW.
- Able to make mms library for linux version.

Annual Goals

- Able to take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to take a part in at least one International conference and Journal.