

4월 30, 2019 - 5월 6, 2019


Sung Hwa Park

[1] 동적 PUSH/PULL 기법을 이용한 함정 전투 시스템 상태 관리 소프트웨어
Naval Combat System State Management Software using Dynamic PUSH/PULL Technique

[2] 가축 사육 환경 개선을 위한 LoRaWAN 기반의 축산 모니터링 어플리케이션 설계 및 구현(WISET)
Design and Implementation of Livestock Monitoring Application Based on LoRaWAN to Improve the Livestock Harvesting Environment(WISET)

[3] 실시간 분산 시스템을 위한 event-driven 기반의 PUSH/PULL 메시지 처리 기법 설계(KICS)
Design of PUSH/PULL Message Processing Based on Event-drive for Real-Time Distributed Systems

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] 동적 PUSH/PULL 기법을 이용한 함정 전투 시스템 상태 관리 소프트웨어
Naval Combat System State Management Software using Dynamic PUSH/PULL Technique
- edit graph 4 for EFTA wip
- waiting for reviewer comment

[2] 가축 사육 환경 개선을 위한 LoRaWAN 기반의 축산 모니터링 어플리케이션 설계 및 구현(WISET)
Design and Implementation of Livestock Monitoring Application Based on LoRaWAN to Improve the Livestock Harvesting Environment(WISET)

- research the related papers

[3] 실시간 분산 시스템을 위한 event-driven 기반의 PUSH/PULL 메시지 처리 기법 설계(KICS)
Design of PUSH/PULL Message Processing Based on Event-drive for Real-Time Distributed Systems

This Week Todo's

[1] 동적 PUSH/PULL 기법을 이용한 함정 전투 시스템 상태 관리 소프트웨어
Naval Combat System State Management Software using Dynamic PUSH/PULL Technique
- check the reviewer comment
- modify the paper for ETFA WIP

[2] 가축 사육 환경 개선을 위한 LoRaWAN 기반의 축산 모니터링 어플리케이션 설계 및 구현(WISET)
Design and Implementation of Livestock Monitoring Application Based on LoRaWAN to Improve the Livestock Harvesting Environment(WISET)

- research the related papers

[3] 실시간 분산 시스템을 위한 event-driven 기반의 PUSH/PULL 메시지 처리 기법 설계(KICS)
Design of PUSH/PULL Message Processing Based on Event-drive for Real-Time Distributed Systems
- decide the title
- write abstract and introduction

Project Progress


40% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1] DDS book
- write about DCPS Domain Participant module

[2] Webstie
- check the international conferences and correct any incorrect forms

[3] WIset
- have a meeting with team members disscuss about role distribution
- learn about how to use the Lora and Lora gateways with team members

[4] Merci for wild animal(Capstone class)

This Week's Project

[1] DDS book
- research the usecases of DDS in industry field

[2] Webstie
- check the website and correct any incorrect forms

[3] WIset
- have a meeting with team members disscuss about role distribution
- confirm the Lora gateway and test some sensors for collect data

[4] Merci for wild animal(Capstone class)
- learn about database from Ali

Monthly Goals

Annual Goals