Title 1: Real-Time Validation Scheme using Blockchain Technology for IIoT
Target: 2019 KICS Summer Conference, June 2019, Jeju
Title 2: Enhanced Image Processing and Transmission using SWIPT Techniques for Military Network Systems
Target: IEEE Trans on Signal and Information Processing over Network
Title 3: Image size ratio-similarity index trade off using Bezier curve in a Military Network
Ttile 4: Dual Radio Dual Path Same Parity Routing ( Review of IEEE Communication Leters)
Title 1:
1. Full paper completed to be submitted if approved by NSL.
Title 2:
1. Paper now in format acceptable to target journal
2. narrowed down to MATLAB Signal processing tool box
3. work hard to commence simulation and trials
4. had difficulty in using the signal processing tool for simulation
Title 3:
1. Completed the Introduction, Problem Formulation, Performance evaluation and Conclusion
2. Topic changed to 'Image Similarity Index Tradeoff Model for Industrial Network'.
Title 1:
1. Completed paper waiting for instruction to upload to EDAS platform
Title 2:
1. Continuous review and improve readability
2. System model was concluded and more training done on LaTex to enhance my ability to make my figures and tables readable.
3. MATLAB training continues to Image processing tool box
4. Flow chart of the entire process was added
Title 3:
1. Complete data analysis concluded: Did the following analysis using Microsoft excel latest version
a. Correlation analysis of Image size ratio versus Image similarity index
b. Did same for two data sets from literature for the purpose of comparison and validation of mathematical model
c. Improve the paper and complete System Model and references to be ready for submission for ETFA 2019
NSL International Conference/Journal team
1. Kept monitoring the status migration of NSL members and following.
2. Respond to instructions if any from team manager
1. To keep taking instructions from team managers
2.Title 4: To review and submit before May 11, 2019
1. Submit Conference paper for KICS 2019
2. Submit Conference paper for IEEE ANTS 2019 or IEEE-IEMCON 2019 or ETFA 2019
3. Complete to proficient level training on MATLAB and C++
4. Complete Title 2 for Journal submission
1.Attend IEEE-ANTS 2019 or IEEE-IEMCON 2019 or ETFA 2019
2.Attend KICS 2019 and all domestic conferences approved by the NSL
3.Publish at least two International Journal papers/Letters