

5월 7, 2019 - 5월 13, 2019


[Sangho Yoo]

[1]Migration Scheme for Virtualization-based Distributed control systems
[가상화 기반 분산 제어 시스템을 위한 마이그레이션 기법]

[2]Virtualization-based Enhanced cluster migration optimization scheme for industrial distributed systems
[산업용 분산시스템을 위한 가상화 기반의 향상된 클러스터 마이그레이션 최적화 기법](KICS)

[3]Design of Infrastructure of ICT-based Shipbuilding and Marine Ecosystem
[ICT 기반의 조선 해양 생태계 구축을 위한 인프라 구조 설계](가제)

1% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1]Migration Scheme for Virtualization-based Distributed control systems
[가상화 기반 분산 제어 시스템을 위한 마이그레이션 기법]

- Modify the introduction about field in using the Virtualization
- Survey problems about hardware in distributed system and related works about traditional migration scheme
:"A Survey on Virtual Machine Migration: Challenges, Techniques, and Open Issues"

[2]Virtualization-based Enhanced cluster migration optimization scheme for industrial distributed systems
[산업용 분산시스템을 위한 가상화 기반의 향상된 클러스터 마이그레이션 최적화 기법](KICS)

- Written the main problem issue in distributed system
- Written the previous work problem

This Week Todo's

[1]Migration Scheme for Virtualization-based Distributed control systems
[가상화 기반 분산 제어 시스템을 위한 마이그레이션 기법]

- Write the problems about hardware in distributed system and related works about traditional migration scheme
- Discuss about propose scheme with 다혜

[2]Virtualization-based Enhanced cluster migration optimization scheme for industrial distributed systems
[산업용 분산시스템을 위한 가상화 기반의 향상된 클러스터 마이그레이션 최적화 기법](KICS)

- Add previous work problem and main issue
- Write the propose scheme

Project Progress

DDS Book work

1% Progress
Last Week's Project

[1]DDS Book work

-Survey related DDS QoS paper
-Write about protect communication channel

- Update website for progress of DDS book.

This Week's Project

[1]DDS Book work

-Investigate DDS security policies and certification
-Write about QoS cases that are applied to DDS

Monthly Goals

Complete a KICS Conference Paper

Annual Goals

Complete a journal version Paper