

5월 7, 2019 - 5월 13, 2019


Abdukhakimov Asatilla

Title 1: 
Reliability of Distribution Networks in the Smart Grid: Research Challenges and Opportunities 
Target: IEEE Access (Under Revision) 

Title 2: 
Reliability Analysis in Smart Grid Networks Considering Distributed Energy Resources and Storage Devices
Target: IEEE International Conference on Communication and Information Systems (ICCIS 2018), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on December 28-30 
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Elsevier (A)

Title 3: 
A Reliability Perspective of Distribution Systems in Smart Grid Communication Networks 
Target: IEEE International Conference on Communication and Information Systems (ICCIS 2018), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on December 28-30 
Journal of Communications, Scopus indexed (A)

Title 4:
Reliability Assessment for Ultra-reliable and Low Latency Communications in Cyber-physical Energy Systems (A)
Target: ACM Mobihoc 2019, Catania, Italy

Title 5:
4D Trajectory Planning, Guidance and Communication Handover between UAVs in Ad Hoc Network
Target: IEEE Control Systems Magazine (Pr)

Title 6: 
Design and Implementation of a Long-range Wireless Tethering Selfie Camera System using WSN (Pr)
Target: IEEE Access

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1: 
- Submitted to IEEE Access 
- Modified Sections 3, 4 and 5 based on review comments
- Energy Storage Systems, Electric Vehicles, Microgrid 
- Received review comments 

Title 2: 
- Accepted (International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Scopus)
- Presented at the conference, Singapore 
- A minor revision before publication 

Title 3: 
- Accepted (Journal of Communications, Scopus indexed)
- Presented at the conference, Singapore 
- Submitted the final version of the paper 

Title 4:
- Worked on reliability assessment for URLLC with Sanjay
- ICT architecture for cyber-physical energy systems 
- Submitted to the ACM Mobihoc 2019 (Accepted)
- Submitted camera-ready pdf file 

Title 5:
- Submitted to WFCS 2019 (Rejected)
- Modified the paper based on the review comments

Title 6:
- Enhanced the paper readability 
- Changed the introduction and related work 
- Modified equations and figures 
- Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

This Week Todo's

Title 1: 
- Enhance the paper based on the review comments 
- Response to the review comments 

Title 2: 
- Accepted (International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Scopus)
- Waiting for the publication 

Title 3: 
- Presented at the conference
- Waiting for the final decision 

Title 4:
- Submitted camera-ready pdf file to ACM Mobihoc 2019 
- Make a poster presentation 

Title 5:
- Submitted to WFCS 2019 (Rejected)
- Improve the quality of the paper based on review comments 
- Submit to the IEEE Control Systems Magazine 

Title 6:
- Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics (Rejected) 
- Enhance the paper according to the review comments
- Submit to the IEEE Access

Project Progress

A new project with a company

2% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

- Complete Title 1, 5 and 6 and submit 
- Enhance programming skills: Master Python

Annual Goals

- Participate in international and domestic conferences as much as possible
- One international journal