

5월 13, 2019 - 5월 19, 2019


Enhanced-throughput under FD with SI Suppression Approach in 5G CRNs
Target journal: Computer standards and interface.
Tittle 2:
Position estimation tracking-based localization method for mobile node in wireless sensor networks
Target conference: KICS summer
Tittle 3:
Robust node localization for real-time position in wireless sensor network
Target conference: ETFA
Tittle 4:
Real-time Spectrum Sensing for higher spectral throughput in 5G wireless Network
Target journal: JCN

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Tittle 1:
- Awaiting from the journal procedure
Tittle 2:
- Simulation part
Title 3:
collecting literature review
Tittle 4:
- Working on Simulation part

This Week Todo's

Tittle 1:
- Awaiting from the journal procedure
Tittle 2:
- completed , then submit after professor approval
Title 3:
Introduction and problem formulation
Tittle 4:
- continue working on Simulation part

Check the update of Project from NSL website.

Last week:
-Was informed about all projects conducted in NSL Lab and every NSL remember allocated to each project.
-Check the update of Project from NSL website
This week:

Check the update of Project from NSL website

Project Progress

not yet

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

-Learn omnet++ tools, python and mastering of technical writing
-Finalize a paper to submit to the international journal
-Finalize a paper to be submitted to international conference

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one international SCI Journal(including two pended papers)
-Able to write at least one international conference
-Able to write at least one domestic conference