

5월 14, 2019 - 5월 20, 2019


Name: Esmot Ara Tuli

Title 01: Latency based reliability analysis using URLLC in Industrial IoT.

Title 02: Backpressure Routing-Based Real-Time Emergency Message Transmission Strategy for Vehicular Networks

25% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:

-Submit paper for final approval.

Title 02:

-Collect backpressure code and try to simulate.
- Read 1 Journal about backpressure.

This Week Todo's

Title 01:

- Rewrite the abstract and conclusion section.

Title 02:

-work on related work section

Project Progress

Website Maintenance and Capstone Design Project(Class Work)

25% Progress
Last Week's Project

Task 1:

- Complete best paper highlight part.

Task 2:

-Collect natural frequency data from internet.

This Week's Project

Task 1:

- Rename "Paper's Simulation Code' to "Simulation Code"

Task 2:

-Make signal from iot device data.

Monthly Goals

01: Complete KICS conference paper

02: Complete research title 2 simulation

03: Complete paper writing research title 2.

Annual Goals

01: Publish one ACM journal paper

02: Two International Conference paper