Paper 1: Security and privacy issues on Internet of Things in Industry 4.0
Paper 2: Future Communication Technologies with Orbital Angular Momentum for wireless networks
1.Start write down working progress paper on Industry 4.0 for ETFA if possible.
2.Read more paper about Industry 4.0 to understand this topic and find out problems to enhance my work.
3.Do the correction that given by Professor Jae-Min Lee give for JeJu paper and submit it.
1. completed the Jeju paper and ready to submit
2. start writing introduction
Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military
1.Try to find out new idea based on Brownian motion for UAV routing.
2.Trying to simulate based on this Brownian motion movement for UAV trajectory.
1.Try to simulate based on Brownian and Monte Carlo random path modeling.
1. I will finish my JEJU paper properly and submit it.
2. Try to finish online MATLAB course on AI, Neural network which can be helpful.
3. Try my best to write a working progress paper for ETFA
4. Learn Python as much as i can in a month.
-At least one Journal
-At least 2 International papers
-I will try to develop my skills up
-Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible
-I will try to learn programming language like python.