

5월 20, 2019 - 5월 26, 2019


Title 1:

Real-time Enhancement scheme for smart IIoT:
Target: IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Pr).

Title 2:

Link-Delay Aware Real-time Relay Selection Protocol for Industrial IoT:
Target: ETFA Conference (Pr).

Title 3:

Energy-efficient Load Balancing Scheme for Industrial IoT:
Target: KICS Conference, Jeju. (submitted)

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:

Real-time Enhancement scheme for smart IIoT: IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Pr).

- Added more information to enhance explanation of system model
- Modifying simulation inputs to achieve desired results.

Title 2:

Link-Delay Aware Real-time Relay Selection Protocol for Industrial IoT: ETFA Conference (Pr).

- Began write-up of content
- Started simulation works.

Title 3:

Energy-efficient Load Balancing Scheme for Industrial IoT: KICS Conference, Jeju. (submitted)
- submitted


- Updated conference deadline information for: ETFA, ICEIC, INDIN, IEEE ICPS and KICS conferences.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

- Edit and complete simulation works.
- Submit to Industrial Internet of Things Journal.

Title 2:

- Write up content of paper work.
- Begin simulation works.

Title 3:

- waiting review


- Check for any relevant updates pertaining to recommended conferences for NSL.

Project Progress

XCP Protocol

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Carried out Research to complete assigned as task

- Tasked to establish remote control using mqtt to dim LED.

- Using PWM to dim LED remotely using mqtt.

- Build PWM GUI.

This Week's Project

- Redesign GUI for dimming LED.

- Augment GUI and communication protocol

- Present information and discuss with team

- Set project target for next week.

- Run more experiments with raspberry pi

Monthly Goals

- Finish my journal paperwork
- Perform Experiments for XCP project with raspberry pi 3
- Finish etfa conference paper

Annual Goals

- Publish 2 communication letters
- Publish 1 Journal paper
- Publish 2 international conference papers