

5월 20, 2019 - 5월 26, 2019


Paper 1: Bio-Inspired Cooperative Localization in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 2: "DA-APSO: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Localization in Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 3: "Mobile Node Localization Using PSO with Exploitation of the Worst Particle".

Paper 4: "IoT-based Adaptive Network Mechanism for Reliable Smart Farm System".

Paper 5: "Bio-Inspired Mobile Node Deployment in Industrial Environment"

15% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1
1. Awaiting for the conference day.

Paper 2
1. The paper was under review.

Paper 3
1. The paper was submitted, awaiting the reviewers' comment.

Paper 4
1. Trying to revise the Section 2, changing the IEEE 802.11ac to Wi-Fi, or the other way around.

Paper 5
1. Decided on the tentative abstract.

This Week Todo's

Paper 1
1. Awaiting for the conference day.

Paper 2
1. The paper is under review.

Paper 3
1. The paper is submitted, awaiting the reviewers' comment.

Paper 4
1. Trying to revise the Section 2, changing the IEEE 802.11ac to Wi-Fi, or the other way around.

Paper 5
1. Trying to simulate a robot movement on MATLAB, giving it a realistic movement when going straight or turning.

Project Progress

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

Attend the WFCS 2019.

Annual Goals

Submit 2 conference papers and 2 journal papers.