

5월 21, 2019 - 5월 27, 2019


Title 1:
Traffic Light-based Dynamic Scheduling using Fixed Priority Algorithm (KICS Summer 2019) (Pr)

Title 2:
Enhanced Faulty Node Detection using Interval Weighting Factor for Distributed System (Journal of Communication and Networks) (Pr)

Title 3:
Fog Node-based Traffic Light Control and Management for Reducing Congestion (ETFA 2019) (Pr)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
Add one reference.
Check and correct the typo of the paper.

Title 2:
Convert the previous format to JCN format, and check the requirement of the paper.

Title 3:
Add system overview.
Add some related paper.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
Submit the paper.

Title 2:
Revised the correction and add suggestion from Sanjay (2nd author). Such as, add the drawback of related paper, add simulation parameter, and make the system model clear.
Submit the journal to JCN.

Title 3:
Add simulation result.

Project Progress

Project 1:Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military (class) , Project 2: Xeline Control Protocol, Project 3: Website management

15% Progress
Last Week's Project

project 1:
Modified MANET source code for FANET simulation (Add the nodes or devices, add the link between two nodes, add the random mobility, and add the position allocator).
Trying to add some variable that related to our proposed scheme OLSR routing protocol.

project 2:
Understand the new document about HNCP and summary it.

project 3:
Make a procedure of how to add submenu in the website using NSL admin.
Modified the research menu using wix platform.

This Week's Project

Project 1:
Modified the existing source code which is using OLSR.
Add the code that can assign location of UAV, ground station, and base station. Therefore, the area communication between them are separated.
Add protocol message from base station-UAV-ground station.

Project 2:
Understand the new document about HNCP and summary it.

Monthly Goals

Learn java platform and object oriented programming

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in international conference and journal