Title 01: Artificial Intelligence Based Scheme Using Blockchain Technology for Industrial Internet of Things
Target: KICS Summer Conference.
Title 02: LaSeR: Lightweight Authentication and Secured Routing for NDN IoT in smart cities
Target: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Title 03: Low Latency and Energy consumption of WSN.
Target : IEEE sensor journal.
Title 04:Enhanced trickle algorithm for Low pawer Lossy network in WSN.
Target : ETFA-2019
Title 01:
- Organized paper following KICS tamplate.
- Submit the paper.
Title 03:
- Write Abstract and Introduction section.
Title 04:
-Write Abstract ad Introduction section
-Learn MathLab and Cooja simulator.
Title 01:
- Complete.
Title 02:
Title 04:
-Studied 6 Journal Paper.
-Design my algorithm
-Learn MathLab and Cooja simulator.
Measurement of Natural frequency of the building
1.Convert the variation of a 3-dimensional coordinate value into a vibration late using 2nd set of data
2. Storing Ono Sokki sensor’s data via an oscilloscope
3. Deriving natural frequency using FFT
4. Survey to enhance the data accuracy, energy efficiency of sensors.
- Again collect new data set for experiment.
-Convert the variation of a 3-dimensional coordinate value into a vibration late using 2nd set of data
- Report writing.
Learn MATLAB and Contiki simulation software.
- Complete one paper writing to submit in journal.
-Complete paper for KICS Summer conference.[Target Complete]
At-least two journal paper.
-At-least one International Conference