

6월 17, 2019 - 6월 23, 2019


Title 1:

Optimization in energy profiles and End-to-end Delay for Industrial Internet of Things.
Target: IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Ready to submit).

Title 2:

Link-Delay Aware Real-time Relay Selection Protocol for Industrial IoT (Pr):

Title 3:

Energy-efficient Load Balancing Scheme for Industrial IoT:
Target: KICS Conference, Jeju. (accepted)

90% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:

Optimization in energy profiles and End-to-end Delay for Industrial Internet of Things.

- Finished everything

Title 2:

Link-Delay Aware Real-time Relay Selection Protocol for Industrial IoT: ETFA Conference (Pr).

- Running simulations to achieve desired outcome.
- Finish content write-up

Title 3:

Energy-efficient Load Balancing Scheme for Industrial IoT: KICS Conference, Jeju.

- Accepted


- Check conference information and update website.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:

- Ready to submit to Industrial Internet of Things Journal.

Title 2:

- Finish Write up of content.
- Modifying simulations to achieve desired results.

Title 3:

- Attend conference


- Check for any relevant updates pertaining to recommended conferences for NSL.

Project Progress

XCP Protocol

19% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Evaluated past works

- Draw up plan for next implementation phase

This Week's Project

- Revise implementation plan and proceed with the plan

- Set project target for next week.

- Run more experiments with raspberry pi

Monthly Goals

- Finish Journal Title 2. paper work.

Annual Goals

- Publish 2 communication letters
- Publish 1 Journal paper
- Publish 3 international conference papers