

6월 24, 2019 - 6월 30, 2019


Title 1: Real-Time Validation Scheme using Blockchain Technology for IIoT
Target: 2019 KICS Summer Conference, June 2019, Jeju

Title 2: Evaluating Massive MIMO Configuration for 5G Network ( Target: ICEIC 2020)

Title 3: Image Similarity Index Trade off Model for Industrial Network
Target: ETFA 2019

Title 4: Real-Time Model-Driven Decision Support System for Broadband Penetration: Case study approach
Target: IETE Journal of Research ( SCI, IF: 0.829)

Title 5: VLC-UWB Hybrid (VUH) Network for Indoor Mobile Industrial Manipulator ( Target: ETFA 2019,).

80% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
1. Prepared Power point for oral presentation.
2. Attend the Conference (2019.06.19-21)

Title 2:
1. Read up to 5 articles in related works
2. Complete literature review
3. have a clear system model and MATLAB Toolbox needed.

Title 3:

1. Waiting for review comments and decision

Title 4:
1. Prepare the paper in strict adherence to the Editorial requirements
2. resubmit to journal for review

Title 5: Co-working with Savoiur
1. Waiting for review comments and decision

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
1. Prepared Power point for Conference report presentation.
2. Update status on NSL website

Title 2:
1. Read up to 5 articles in related works
2. Complete literature review
3. have a clear system model and MATLAB Toolbox needed.

Title 3:

1. Waiting for review comments and decision

Title 4:
1. Waiting for review comments and decision

Title 5: Co-working with Savoiur
1. Waiting for review comments and decision

Project Progress

NSL International Conference/Journal team and self development

75% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Monitored status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
2. Continued with the objective of obtaining the MATLAB certificate on deep learning
3.Any other assignment from time to time

This Week's Project

1. Monitored status of NSL members on international Conferences/Journals and reported accordingly to team managers
2. Continued with the objective of obtaining the MATLAB certificate on deep learning
3.Any other assignment from time to time

Monthly Goals

1. Make oral Conference report presentation on KICS 2019 at NSL Seminar.
2. Respond to review reports and Submit camera ready copy of Conference paper for ETFA 2019
3. Complete to proficient level training on MATLAB and Neural Networks.
4. Respond to review comments and submit paper to IETE Journal of Research
5. Begin a new journal paper simulation

Annual Goals

1.Attend IEEE- ETFA 2019 , ICTC 2019.
2.Attend KICS 2019 and all domestic conferences approved by the NSL
3.Publish or submit at least two International Journal papers/Letters