

6월 24, 2019 - 6월 30, 2019


Title 1
Encrypted Data based AES-GCM with Zero Difficulty Algorithm for Blockchain Industrial IoT

Title 2
Realtime-based Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition using Dual Fieldbus for Industrial IoT
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Title 3
None Difficulty Proof-of-Work Blockchain Algorithm for Industrial IoT.
KICS Summer

Title 4
Smart Home Security Based Edge Computing (Probably Changed)

Title 5
W-MERCI (Wild Animal) Surveillance Monitoring System (Probably Changed)

30% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1
- Submit the paper.

Title 2
- Status: Awaiting Review Scores.

Title 3
- Wait for paper status.

This Week Todo's

Title 1
- Submit the paper.

Title 2
- Status: Assigning Reviewers.

Title 3
- Wait for paper status.

Title 4
- Start making the code for face recognition.
- Learn how to make self training for face recognition.
- Learn how to use Docker and Movidius.

Title 5
- Finish the capstone design report first, then continue to make it into journal.

Project Progress

MMS for Industrial IoT, MERCI for Animal (Capstone Design Class), and International Conference Section

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Continue on making a library for python language.
- Try to use read and write variable using linux to linux.
- Try to make object files based on our library in C for the use of python language in linux environment.

- Change the OpenCV environment to python3.
- Stream the video from rasbpi to web.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

This Week's Project

- Continue on making a library for python language.
- Try to use read and write variable on python language.
- Make a simple Object file from Visual Studio or cross compiler in Raspi, then use SWIG to use the function in python language.

- Combine the detector, actuator, database and android app.
- Finalize the report by the end of this week.

International Conference Section
- Check the format of paper list and correct the typo
- Inform to members to update their paper in same format.
- Continue edit title's format that already published.

Monthly Goals

- Make Blockchain architecture in Industrial IoT platform.
- Learn how to scale public Blockchain Ethereum.
- Make a new algorithm for blockchain industrial IoT.
- Combine blockchain with IPFS for a secure transaction.
- Able to make mms library for linux version.

Annual Goals

- Able to take a part in at least one Domestic conference.
- Able to take a part in at least one International conference and Journal.