

6월 24, 2019 - 6월 30, 2019


Rubina Akter

Title 01: Artificial Intelligence Based Scheme Using Blockchain Technology for Industrial Internet of Things
- Submitted to KICS Summer Conference.

Title 02: LaSeR: Lightweight Authentication and Secured Routing for NDN IoT in smart cities
Target: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Title 03: Low Latency and Energy consumption of WSN.
Target : IEEE sensor journal.

Title 04:Enhanced trickle algorithm for Low pawer Lossy network in WSN.
Target : IEEE Communications letter

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 01:
-Present the paper in KICS Summer Conference.

Title 03:
-Survey about clustering algorithm.
-Make a suitable clustering for propose model

Title 04:
-Write Trickle Akgorithm section.
- learn Contiki OS with Cooja simulator.
-Try to simulate our propose algorithm.

-Learn MathLab and Cooja simulator

This Week Todo's

Title 01:
-Submitted in KICS Summer Conference.

Title 03:
- See the clustering technique to implement in proposed model.

Title 04:
-Complete the introduction, trickle algorithm and the proposed algorithm section.
- Simulate the proposed algorithm by Cooja simulator

-Learn MathLab, Cooja simulator and Python.

Project Progress

Measurement of Natural frequency of the building

90% Progress
Last Week's Project

-Compare previous and new simulation work.

-impose data set to the system model.

-Survey work for report writing

-CSV file for FFT

- Report writing

This Week's Project

- Present the whole project.
-Complete report writing.

Monthly Goals

-Learn MATLAB and Contiki simulation software.

- Complete one paper writing to submit in journal.

Annual Goals

At-least two journal paper.

-At-least one International Conference