Title 1:
Load balancing in Software-Defined Disaster Area Multi-UAV Communication Networks (Ad Hoc Networks Journal)
Title 2:
Bio-Inspired UAV random movement with brownian motion for surveillance mission (pr)
Title 1:
make a energy efficient in UAV with RL --> learned some literature (Monte carlo tree search algorithm)
Title 2:
make a random movement UAV --> learned some literature (brownian motion)
Title 1:
make a energy efficient in UAV with RL --> learned some literature (Montecarlo tree search algorithm)
Title 2:
learn some paper related to brownian motion
Project 1: Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military, Project 2: MMS, Project 3: Website responsibility (International Journal)
Project 1:
Finalized project report
Project 2:
tried to make communication among server to client on windows side with mms lib references
Project 3:
Check the paper list format and correct the typo
Project 1:
Prepare for implementation --> learn brownian motion algorithm
Project 2:
keep try to make mms communication in windows side
Project 3:
try to make clickable paper link in each of international journals
understanding brownian motion
-Able to write at least one in the domestic conference.
-Able to write at least one in an international conference and journal.