

7월 1, 2019 - 7월 7, 2019


Paper research Igboanusi Ikechi Saviour

Title 1:
Internet of Things for Smart Railway: Feasibility and Application for Maintenance.

Title 2:
Energy Efficient Amplify and forward (AF) Relay Schemes for Industrial Communication Systems. ICTC 2019 (Pr).

Title 3:
Visible Light Communication (VLC) Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Hybrid Network for Indoor Device Connectivity. (Pr) ETFA 2019

Title 4:
Low latency Traffic-aware field-based routing for Industrial wireless sensor networks (WSN). (S) ETFA

Title 5:
NFC Pure Wallet (PW): An Offline and Real-time Cryptocurrency transaction Algorithm ICTC 2019

99% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title #2

1) Read 4 paper that have similar idea to support my paper.
2) Started simulation for the paper.

Title #5

1) Implement corrections from lab member's review.
2) Prof's approval and submission to ICTC 2019.
3) Read one paper and added it to reference.

Learning Tensorflow and Kerras ML using Python.

This Week Todo's

Title #5

1) Finalize all corrections and submit to ICTC 2019.

Title #3&4

1) After receiving review decisions and comments, I will implement corrections.

1) Review IEEE Access Journal.
2) Continue Learning Tensorflow and Kerras ML using Python.

Project Progress

Wed Maintenance (Update of Project)

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

Reminded all to update their project work.

This Week's Project

Will remind all to update their work.

Monthly Goals

1) Complete conference papers and submit to ICTC.
2) Implement review comments from all reviews.

Annual Goals

1) Publish at least a conference and a journal paper.
2) Add machine learning and Python programming skill to my resume.