

7월 1, 2019 - 7월 7, 2019


Paper 1: "Bio-Inspired Cooperative Localization in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 2: "DA-APSO: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Localization in Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 3: "Mobile Node Localization Using PSO with Exploitation of the Worst Particle".

Paper 4: "IoT-based Adaptive Network Mechanism for Reliable Smart Farm System".

Paper 5: "Bio-Inspired Mobile Node Deployment in Industrial Environment"

Paper 6: "Edge Computing Application over FANET"

36% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1
1. The paper was in process for online publication.

Paper 2
1. Revising the paper according to reviewers' comments.
2. Deciding on a suitable journal for submission.

Paper 3
1. The paper was in process for online publication.

Paper 4
1. Waiting for submission.

Paper 5
1. Trying to simulate a robot movement on MATLAB, giving it a realistic movement when going straight or turning.
2. Read related papers for application with similar scheme.

Paper 6
1. Decided on the tentative title.
2. Searching for appropriate simulation tools for edge computing and FANET (NS3, GNS3, CloudSim, EdgeCloudSim, etc.).

This Week Todo's

Paper 1
1. The paper is in process for online publication.

Paper 2
1. Revising the paper according to reviewers' comments.
2. Deciding on a suitable journal for submission.

Paper 3
1. The paper is in process for online publication.

Paper 4
1. Edit the Abstract for better flow and description of paper.
1. Submit to target journal.

Paper 5
1. Simulate how robot move in a straight line and curve line, deciding on using constant or varying speed for robot.
2. Simulate multiple robot and their coordination.
3. Read related papers for application with similar scheme.

Paper 6
1. Decided on the tentative title.
2. Searching for appropriate simulation tools for edge computing and FANET (NS3, GNS3, CloudSim, EdgeCloudSim, etc.).

Project Progress

Website Update

50% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Formatting all conference papers before 2011 into a uniform format.

This Week's Project

1. Formatting all conference papers in 2012 into a uniform format.

Monthly Goals

1. Resubmit Paper 2
2. Learn about edge computing simulators.

Annual Goals

1. Submit 2 conference papers.
2. Submit 2 journal papers.