

7월 1, 2019 - 7월 7, 2019



[1]. Real-time Monitoring System for Naval using H.265/HEVC and Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme(Domestic Journal)

[2].Design and Implementation of Fault Prevention and Prediction Scheme based on Secure DDS for Naval Combat System(ICESTI 2019) - This paper will be extended to a graduation thesis

0% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1]. Real-time Monitoring System for Naval using H.265/HEVC and Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme(Domestic Journal)
- Ready for submit
- Formatting
- Add Reference

[2].Design and Implementation of Fault Prevention and Prediction Scheme based on Secure DDS for Naval Combat System(ICESTI 2019)
- created Extended Abstract Version
- Dead line = 7 july

This Week Todo's

[1]. Real-time Monitoring System for Naval using H.265/HEVC and Bezier Curve Image Reconstruction Scheme(Domestic Journal)
- Ready for submit(hope)

[2].Design and Implementation of Fault Prevention and Prediction Scheme based on Secure DDS for Naval Combat System(ICESTI 2019)
- Performance Evaluation of Proposed scheme
- Analysis of the requirements of the discovery module on the DDS
- DDS discovery module implementation to meet requirements

Project Progress

Hanwha system project(DDS team)

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

[1]website update
- upload the ICT seminar picture

Monthly Goals

- complete a Domestic Journal

Annual Goals

- Make own paper