

7월 8, 2019 - 7월 14, 2019


Hee-Jae Shin

[1] 5G 시스템 특징 및 상용화 기술 소개
Introduction of Commercialization Technology and Features of 5G System

[2] 5G 무선 측위 기술 및 위치기반 통신 기술 동향과 전망
Trends and Prospects of 5G Wireless Positioning Technology and Location-based Communication Technology

[3] 세대별 이동통신 기술

[4] Massive MIMO 기술의 이해

25% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[1] 5G 시스템 특징 및 상용화 기술 소개
Introduction of Commercialization Technology and Features of 5G System
- Obtain information for general understanding of the field.
- Search for information about uplink, downlink.

[2] 5G 무선 측위 기술 및 위치기반 통신 기술 동향과 전망
Trends and Prospects of 5G Wireless Positioning Technology and Location-based Communication Technology
- Acquisition of information about differences in positioning technology, using wireless communication, due to differences in communication generation.

This Week Todo's

[2] 5G 무선 측위 기술 및 위치기반 통신 기술 동향과 전망
Trends and Prospects of 5G Wireless Positioning Technology and
Location-based Communication Technology
-Investigate of the characteristics and contribution factors of position accuracy of 5G NR

[3] 세대별 이동통신 기술
- Obtain information about differences in Mobile Communication Technology by Generation.

[4] Massive MIMO 기술의 이해
- Obtain information about the features of massive MIMO in 5G(NR) technology.
- Study on the principles and mathematical tools of massive MIMO.

Project Progress

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

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