

7월 15, 2019 - 7월 21, 2019


[1] On the design of MAC protocol for avionic systems: a review
- not fixed.
[2] Edge-based node Transmission Mechanism to handle Real-time Data between nodes in IWSN(IWSN에서 디바이스간의 실시간 데이터 처리를 위한 엣지 기반 전송 기법)
- KICS 2019 summer
[3] SeamFarm: Distributed Data Analytic for Precision Agriculture based on Seamless Computing
- MobiCom2019

35% Progress
Last Week's Progress

[2] Edge-based node Transmission Mechanism to handle Real-time Data between nodes in IWSN
- Revise to international conf.
- Analyze the related works.
- Research the node routing scheme based on mesh network for IIoT or IWSN.
- Research the code of algorithm for node routing and optimal path calculation scheme.

[3] SeamFarm: Distributed Data Analytic for Precision Agriculture based on Seamless Computing
- Revise for Camera-ready paper
- Make the poster for conf.

This Week Todo's

[1] On the design of MAC protocol for avionic systems: a review
- Finish the journal until 11 Aug.
- Survey the MAC protocol for Industrial and real-time environment(~21 July)

[2] Edge-based node Transmission Mechanism to handle Real-time Data between nodes in IWSN
- Finish the international paper until 28 July.
- Revise for international conf.(~21 July)
- Research the node routing scheme based on mesh network for IIoT or IWSN. (~28 July)
- Research the code of algorithm for node routing and optimal path calculation scheme. (4 Aug)

[3] SeamFarm: Distributed Data Analytic for Precision Agriculture based on Seamless Computing
- camera-ready deadline: 4 Aug.
- Finish the camera-ready paper. (~21 July)

Project Progress

Measurement of natural frequency in building(Capstone Design)

20% Progress
Last Week's Project

- Write the final report of class for ICT center

- Update my paper information based on format.

This Week's Project

- Finish the final report of class for ICT center

- Correct the typos.

Monthly Goals

Have a study group about ns-3.

Annual Goals

1 International conference and journal.