

7월 15, 2019 - 7월 21, 2019


Title 1: Hybrid MAC Protocol for UAV-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks.
Target: IOT Journal Elsevier.

Title 2: Reliable Fog Computing for Industrial Internet of Things: Key Challenges and Solutions.
Target: IETE Technical Review.

Title 3: Bio-inspired Adaptive Fog Service Provisioning for Industrial Internet of Things.
Target: ETFA WiP 2019

Title 4: Fog-based Intelligent Transportation System for Traffic Light Optimization.
Target: ICESTI 2019

Title 5: SeamFarm: Distributed Data Analytic for Precision Agriculture based on Seamless Computing.
Target: MobiCom 2019

75% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 1:
Waiting for the results.

Title 2:
Waiting for the results.

Title 3:
Submitted the camera ready on the submission system.
Did a registration of ETFA.

Title 4:
Collaborate with Riesa to enhance the content as for journal submission.

Title 5:
Extended the introduction section.
Added related work section.
Extended the section of proposed system overview.

This Week Todo's

Title 1:
Waiting for the results.

Title 2:
Waiting for the results.

Title 3:
Prepare a poster for the presentation at the conference.
Prepare the presentation file.

Title 4:
Hold it for a moment, Will focus on extending Royyan's work.

Title 5:
Extend the implementation section.
Add several results to extend the results and discussion.

Project Progress

Smart farm

100% Progress
Last Week's Project

Submitted to the journal of computers and electronics in agriculture.

Added final reports and final presentation files of Network Programming class.

This Week's Project

Waiting for the results.

Monthly Goals

Learn reinforcement learning.
Learn the concept of cloud native.
Learn the concept of Kubernetes.

Annual Goals

_ 2 international SCI journal.
_ 2 international conferences.