

7월 15, 2019 - 7월 21, 2019


Jang Min Hui

Read and study about Korean's Domestic Conference
- Analyzing the research direction of NSL.
- Using the contents of the thesis to determine the research direction.
- Using the content of the paper to study concepts.

Study DDS , middleware, pub/sub, edge computing, Blockchain etc.

[1]Real time Validation Scheme using Blockchain Technology for Industrial IoT.

[2]Edge Computing based Node Clustering scheme for Real time data n IWSN Environment.

65% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Read and study about Korean's Domestic Conference
- Analyzing the research direction of NSL.
- Using the contents of the thesis to determine the research direction.
- Using the content of the paper to study concepts.

[1]A Study on the Performance Analysis of Wireless Network for Aircraft
[항공기 무선 통신망을 위한 아날로그 빔포밍기법 성능 분석]
- Research and study about concepts.

[2]Data Aggregation Scheme for Real-time Industrial WSNs
[실시간 산업용 무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 데이터 수집 기법]
- Research and study about concepts.

[3]Message Overhead Reduction Scheme for Real-time Middleware Monitoring Software
[실시간 미들웨어 모니터링 소프트웨어의 메시지 오버헤드 감소 기법]
- Research and study about concepts.

[4]Design of Fault Prevention and Prediction Scheme based on Secure DDS for Naval Combat System
[함정 전투 시스템을 위한 Secure DDS 기반 고장 예방 및 예측 기법 설계]
- Research and study about concepts.

[5]Design of Integrated Information based UAV for Autonomous Takeoff and Landing Platform Considering Ship Environment
[선박환경을 고려한 통합정보 기반의 무인기 자율이착륙 플랫폼 설계기법]
- Research and study about concepts.

This Week Todo's

Read and study about Korean's and Foreign's Domestic Conference
- Analyzing the research direction of NSL.
- Using the contents of the thesis to determine the research direction.
- Using the content of the paper to study concepts.

Research Topic for my study(paper)

Study on Edge Computing system

Project Progress

0% Progress
Last Week's Project

This Week's Project

Monthly Goals

Research and decide Topic for my study(paper).

Study on Edge Computing System and determine the research direction.

Annual Goals

Write my own paper and submit to a conference.