

7월 29, 2019 - 8월 4, 2019


Title 1 : Leverage of Transmission Power on Network Performance in Flying Ad-Hoc Network Scenario (KICS SUMMER 2019)

Title 2: UAV Assisted Airborne Surveillance for Post Disaster Area

10% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Title 2

Paper part:
- made UAV communication section
- add reference
- add figure 3

Simulation part
- learn ns3 drone networks from GitHub
- install ns-3_gazebo ROS2

This Week Todo's

Title 2

Simulation part
- continue to integrate ns3 and ros2
- learn ROS2 ns3 Gazebo Demo

Project Progress

Project 1 : XCP project , Project 2 :Website maintenance (International Conference)

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

[XCP Project]
- made design XCP for industrial environtment

[Website maintenance (International Conference)]
edited templates in each of international journals

This Week's Project

[XCP Project]
- study about special service and application protocol needed in the IIoT according to making RFC(Request for Comments) document.

[Website maintenance (International Conference)]
-continue to add clickable links and edit templates

Monthly Goals

Able to make the simulation of NS-3 and ROS2

Annual Goals

-Able to write at least one in an international conference and journal