Tittle 1:
Enhanced-throughput under FD with SI Suppression Approach in 5G CRNs
Rejected from computer standards and interface.
Tittle 2:
CNN based technique to detect Primary user emulated attack in cognitive radio network.
Target journal :IET Electronics Letter
Tittle 3:
Real-time Localization of Primary user Position towards High-throughput in CRNs
Target journal: JCN
Tittle 1:
-Enhancing problem formulation and conclusion sections
Title 2:
Developing mathematical expressions.
Tittle 3:
enhancement according to the discussion with co-author(Williams)
Tittle 1:
-Add figure for throughput performance
Title 2:
Expressions of throughput and probability of detection
Tittle 3:
Suggesting professor to send a paper to correction service
not assigned yet
-Learn omnet++ tools, python and other relevant tools
-Mastering the technical writing
-Write at least two international SCI Journal papers
-Attending the international conference
-Attending domestic conferences recommended by professor