Paper research Title 1: No title yet. On process of surveying the research area on real-time applications or industrial IOT.
-Set up our computer and install programs
-Started browsing for the real-time applications involving industrial applications
-Learning and improving technical writing and practicing NSL technical tools.
-Explored OPNET simulation program
-Visited Conception company in 3d printing expo held at Gumi Co.
-Read more survey paper about real-time industrial applications
-Continue learning technical writing and practicing MATLAB and OPNET.
-To have a research title.
-Submitting camera-ready paper for ICTC.
Not yet assigned
-To have a research title and start writing the paper up to simulations
-To polish my technical writing skill and simulation skill
-To submit at least one paper to SCI journal
-Attend international and domestic conferences recommended by NSL
-Acquiring knowledge and skills of NSL technical tools.