

9월 9, 2019 - 9월 15, 2019


Paper 1: Reliable Communication Using Orbital Angular Momentum with SWIPT in Military Network, (Accepted on ICTC 2019).

Paper 2:Energy-Harvesting using Brownian Movement based UAV Trajectory for Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT), (IEEE Communication Letters).

70% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1: Add References of JCN journal and fine tune for camera-ready version.

Paper 2: Working on simulation of energy harvesting part and try to finished it.

Paper 2: Keep fine tuned the abstract and system model part.

This Week Todo's

Paper 1: Submit the camera-ready version.

Paper 2: Finish the simulation part of trajectory optimization.

Paper 2: Start writing the Performance Evaluation part.

Project Progress

Development of UAV routing protocol for civil and military

10% Progress
Last Week's Project

1: Had a meeting with Professor Lee.

2: Try to find out the UAV and Mesh router.

This Week's Project

1: Select the suitable UAV for testbed.

2: Also a suitable router with mesh topology.

Monthly Goals

1. Submit the summer intensive assigned paper on Communication Letters Journal.

2. Try to Start another paperwork.

Annual Goals

-Try to submit at least one Journal.

-At least 1 International Conference papers.

-I will try to develop my skills up.

-Make sure to learn as many simulation tools as possible.

-I will try to learn programming language like python, C/C++.