

9월 9, 2019 - 9월 15, 2019


Paper 1: "Bio-Inspired Cooperative Localization in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 2: "Node Localization Based on Wild Goats Algorithm for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 3: "Mobile Node Localization Using PSO with Exploitation of the Worst Particle".

Paper 4: "IoT-based Adaptive Network Mechanism for Reliable Smart Farm System".

Paper 5: "Edge Computing Based Robot Deployment for Pickup and Delivery in Industrial Factory"

Paper 6: "Edge Computing Application over FANET"

47% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1
1. Published.

Paper 2
1.Submit to correction service.

Paper 3
1. Under process for online publication.

Paper 4
1. Paper is under review.

Paper 5
1. Continue Code Wild Goats Algorithm for Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP).
2. Try also other metaheuristic algorithm for solving DARP.

Paper 6
1. Continue learning simulation tools for edge computing and FANET (NS3, GNS3, CloudSim, EdgeCloudSim, etc.).

This Week Todo's

Paper 1
1. Published.

Paper 2
1.Submit to IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics.

Paper 3
1. Under process for online publication.

Paper 4
1. Paper is under review.

Paper 5
1. Continue code Wild Goats Algorithm for Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP).
2. Try also other metaheuristic algorithm for solving DARP.
3. Create binary occupancy grid to simulate floor planning of factory.

Paper 6
1. Continue learning simulation tools for edge computing and FANET (NS3, GNS3, CloudSim, EdgeCloudSim, etc.).

Project Progress

Routing Protocol in UAV Network

2% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Find appropriate type of UAV for testbed.
2. Find appropriate Wi-Fi module for testbed.

This Week's Project

1. Summarize all options of UAV and Wifi Module/Router for table
2. Decide on which option to choose for testbed development.

Monthly Goals

1. Resubmit Paper 2 to IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics.
2. Submit Paper 5 to IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics.

Annual Goals

1. Submit 2 conference papers.
2. Submit 2 journal papers.