

9월 16, 2019 - 9월 22, 2019


Paper 1: "Bio-Inspired Cooperative Localization in Industrial Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 2: "Node Localization Based on Wild Goats Algorithm for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network".

Paper 3: "Mobile Node Localization Using PSO with Exploitation of the Worst Particle".

Paper 4: "IoT-based Adaptive Network Mechanism for Reliable Smart Farm System".

Paper 5: "Edge Computing Based Robot Deployment for Pickup and Delivery in Industrial Factory"

Paper 6: "Edge Computing Application over FANET"

47% Progress
Last Week's Progress

Paper 1
1. Published.

Paper 2
1. Revise paper following direction of correction service.

Paper 3
1. Under process for online publication.

Paper 4
1. Paper is under review.

Paper 5
1. Continue code Wild Goats Algorithm for Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP).
2. Try also other metaheuristic algorithm for solving DARP.
3. Create binary occupancy grid to simulate floor planning of factory.

Paper 6
1. Continue learning simulation tools for edge computing and FANET (NS3, GNS3, CloudSim, EdgeCloudSim, etc.).

This Week Todo's

Paper 1
1. Published.

Paper 2
1.Submit to IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics.

Paper 3
1. Under process for online publication.

Paper 4
1. Paper is under review.

Paper 5
1. Coding the movement of leaders, followers, and group in Wild Goats Algorithm for Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP).
2. Create binary occupancy grid to simulate floor planning of factory.

Paper 6
1. Continue learning simulation tools for edge computing and FANET (NS3, GNS3, CloudSim, EdgeCloudSim, etc.).

Project Progress

Routing Protocol in UAV Network

3% Progress
Last Week's Project

1. Summarize all options of UAV and Wifi Module/Router for table
2. Decide on which option to choose for testbed development.

This Week's Project

1. Put additional UAVs and Wifi modules for comparison.
2. Decide on which option to choose for testbed development.

Monthly Goals

1. Resubmit Paper 2 to IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics.
2. Submit Paper 5 to IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics.

Annual Goals

1. Submit 2 conference papers.
2. Submit 2 journal papers.